3 Mart 2018 Cumartesi

(39) How To Quit: A Quick Tip Sheet For Smokers

Nicotine, which constitutes approximately 3% of the dry weight of tobacco, is a stimulant drug. While some people take up smoking to look older and more mature or to feel more confident or more social, others take up smoking out of a sense of rebellion or to show their parents who was in control. By the way, it is true that smoking makes you look older, because it causes premature wrinkling. Stress is considered a cause for smoking by many people. Also, ex-smokers often think that if they just take a cigarette during a stressful episode the situation will be solved.

If the smoker does not smoke in certain time intervals, the smoker's serum nicotine level falls below the minimum limit then he or she experiences withdrawal symptoms. In other words, the smoker will experience varying degrees of drug withdrawal, if a certain level of nicotine in the bloodstream is not maintained.

It is obvious that tobacco use is the most common preventable cause of death. If you are off cigarettes now, stay off.

With the first Surgeon's General's report (1964), the relation between smoking and heart diseases was firmly established.

Tobacco use increases risks of blood clots significantly. Smoking is a primary cause of much of the peripheral vascular disease. Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis, are major life threatening cripplers caused by cigarette smoking. However the most well known smoking induced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is emphysema.

The disease most often associated with cigarette smoking is not emphysema, but is lung cancer. Patients with lung cancer will usually die within six months of diagnosis.

Cigarette kills through cancer, heart and circulatory disorders, emphysema, fires and many other causes. Unfortunately, the first sign of some of the smoking related illnesses is sudden death.

Risk of anesthesia and post-operative complications are increased by use of cigarettes. In fact, over half of the fire deaths in United States are reported to be caused by cigarette smoking. The general world-wide medical community agrees that cigarettes are lethal.

Being a smoker can obviously limit your potential for physical, mental, social, professional, and economic growth.

In children, cigarette smoking is predictive of illicit drug use. Indeed, The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (1985) reported a 32 fold increase in incidence of cocaine use and a 113 fold increase in use of marijuana in 12-17 year olds who smoked cigarettes daily compared to those who never smoked.

Addicted smokers feel that they are only hurting themselves, but the increasing evidence that second-hand smoke is posing a health threat to the people surrounding the smokers. Therefore some employers are providing out-of-the-way areas where smokers can smoke at breaks.

Unfortunately, most techniques used to reduce the health risks of smoking don't work, and, in many cases, may actually increase the dangers of smoking. Cigarette addiction does not respond to cut-down approaches either.

There is only one way to totally reduce the deadly effects of smoking, and that is, simply, not to smoke. You live longer, if you abstain from smoking. Giving up tobacco can also help you live longer, if you are a smoker.

In the long run, quitting cold turkey is considered the easiest and most effective technique of smoking cessation. First and foremost, it is the approach by which the smoker has the best chance of success. Anxiety, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and an inevitable weight gain are some of the most common side effects to quitting cold turkey. Nevertheless the health implications of low blood sugar or a minor weight gain are negligible in comparison to the health risks posed by smoking. However, weight gain following smoking cessation can be due to several factors. Smokers, ex-smokers, or never-smokers can all lose weight the same way: by decreasing the amount of calories one eats, by increasing one's activities to burn extra calories, or, by a combination of both techniques.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) involves the use of products that provide low doses of nicotine, but none of the toxins found in smoke. Chewing gums containing nicotine may help an addicted smoker break some of the psychological dependence and conditioned responses. However, use of such nicotine replacement therapies is asserted to throw the smoker into a chronic state of drug withdrawal.

Fortunately, smoking has been declining in adults for the past 30 years. In long-term success, the recognition that quitting smoking is in fact a fight for survival is often of importance.

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