9 Mayıs 2021 Pazar

Vocabulary Test 56-May 11th, 2021

VOCABULARY TEST 56: Each question=2 points


(1) COAL MINER: ......................................................................


  • Jack began his working life as a coal miner.
  • We would all support coal miners.
  • His dad was a coal miner.) 


(2) DISPOSABLE INCOME: ......................................................................


  • Going to cinemas require a certain level of disposable income.
  • I'm definitely not at that level of expendable income.)


(3) EXHIBITION HALL: ......................................................................


  • The Grolier Club of New York will launch on Tuesday 11 May 2021 an exhibition called ‘100 Books Famous in Typography’ at the Exhibition Hall, and will run through 31 July 2021.
  • Currigan Exhibition Hall was built in 1969.
  • I took this picture in their exhibition hall.)


(4) PRISON BREAK: ......................................................................


  • What is the greatest prison break in history?
  • I am no authority on prison break stories, my personal favorite is John Dillinger.
  • Iraq witnessed several prison breaks in recent years.)


(5) MUSCLE MASS: ......................................................................


  • Muscle mass is a part of your lean body mass.
  • Normal ranges for muscle mass are: Ages 20-39: 75-89 percent for men, 63-75.5 percent for women. Ages 40-59: 73-86 percent for men, 62-73.5 percent for women. ages 60-79: 70-84 percent for men, 60-72.5 percent for women.
  • Muscle mass includes the weight of the muscles.)


(6) SOCIAL JUSTICE: ......................................................................


Social justice is about justice in the institutions of the society.

Access to justice is (in my opinion) the most important social justice issue.

Social Justice is a concept in which people are treated fairly.)


(7) PROBABILITY THEORY: ......................................................................


  • Probability theory is in a very strange category. 
  • Probability theory and statistics, intersect with philosophy.
  • If you want to master probability theory, you will need to know about measure.)


(8) INSTITUTIONAL: ......................................................................


  • To understand Institutional Economics you must understand what an Institution is.
  • An institutional investor is a company or organization.
  • Institutional arrangements are the policies, systems, and processes.)


(9) CELLULAR: ...................................................................... 


  • If you travel a lot, then cellular Internet is a definite advantage.
  • I have not activated cellular usage on my watch.
  • The Apple Watch cellular has a 4G connection.)


(10) DURING PREGNANCY: ......................................................................


  • Avoid pineapples during the pregnancy.
  • What are some good books to read during pregnancy?
  • It's better to avoid papaya in pregnancy.)


(11) FAIR TRIAL: ......................................................................


  • Fair trials are essential part of a just society.
  • This wasn’t a fair trial.
  • We don't even have the basic fair trial rights of our client.)


(12) LABOUR UNION: ......................................................................


  • China has the most successful labor union movement on earth.
  • Labour unions are essential to 21st century society.
  • Labour unions NUM and NUMSA are calling for a 15% wage increase percentage from Eskom.)


(13) NUMBER PLATE: ...................................................................... 


  • Six types of number plates are used in India.
  • Number plates should have prescribed size, prescribed font, prescribed font size.
  • I caught his number plate.)


(14) MURDER VICTIM: ......................................................................


  • Murder victims are really hard to get facts from.
  • It's rare to not find the body of a murder victim.
  • The murder victim left a message on the wall.)


(15) NEXT-DOOR NEIGHBOUR: ......................................................................


  • In those days, I had a next door neighbour.
  • Actually, she is our next door neighbor.
  • My next door neighbours dogs keep on barking at my kids.)


(16) OPPOSITION PARTIES: ......................................................................


  • Opposition parties are good for democracy.
  • The role of an opposition party is crucial.
  • India needs strong opposition parties.)


(17) DEPUTY MAYOR: ......................................................................


  • Deputy mayor is an elective or appointive office of the second-ranking official in many local governments.

    • Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Aryeh King was recorded telling Muhammad Abu Hummus, a Palestinian activist from East Jerusalem, that it's a "pity" he didn't get a bullet in his head. 
    • The former deputy mayor of Tel Aviv-Yafo, Rifaat Turk, is a former soccer star.)

    (18) INTELLEGENCE QUOTIENT: ......................................................................


    • Intelligence quotient depends on the scale of the test you took.
    • IQ is usually pretty stable.
    • IQ tests are designed to produce a mean score of 100.)

    (19) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: ......................................................................


    • Economic Growth is a narrower concept than economic development.
    • The definition of economic development was given by Michael Todaro.
    • I will focus mostly on economic development.)

    (20) BAD INTENTION: ......................................................................


    • Everyone around me has bad intentions.
    • Some people might have bad intentions.
    • Most narcissists assume everyone has bad intentions.)

    (21) UPPER CASE: ......................................................................


    • Why is E in the upper case in E=mc^2?
    • You can use upper case letters if you want.
    • Some words start with upper case.)

    (22) MYTICAL CREATURE: ......................................................................


    • I have no idea what that mythical creature is.
    • I don’t have much experiences at drawing mythical creature.
    • I feel like I've just seen a mythical creature.)

    (23) COFFEE BEAN: ......................................................................


    • I ordered new coffee beans from a local store.
    • You can buy quality coffee beans locally or online.
    • How do I get green coffee beans?)

    (24) CONTAGIOUS DISEASE: ......................................................................


    • Malaria is a communicable disease, but it is not a contagious disease.
    • Contagious disease is a disease which spread rapidly from person to person.
    • Examples of contagious diseases are covid-19, CRE, Ebola, Hantavirus, Hepatitis A/B, HIV/AIDS, MRSA, STD, Rabies etc.)

    (25) RACE DISCRIMINATION: ......................................................................


    • Race discrimination was legal in 1960.
    • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act was enacted in 1964 and forbids racial discrimination.
    • We all have a responsibility to fight race discrimination.)

    (26) FINITE DIMENSION: ......................................................................


    • I will show that  V'  has the same finite dimension as  V.
    • Finite dimensional objects (vector spaces, or other types of objects) are not infinite dimensional.
    • Let V,W finite dimension vector space.)

    (27) DEER HUNTING: ......................................................................


    • I’ll check that place out during deer hunting this year.
    • I was going deer hunting.
    • We can go deer hunting.)

    (28) THE MOST FREQUENT: ......................................................................


    • The most frequent letters of German are ENRSTIDALU.
    • What is the most frequent dish that you consume?
    • What is the most frequent vehicle color in the US?)

    (29) HOPE: ......................................................................


    • There's no hope.
    • Hope is better than no hope.
    • Hope exists inside you.)

    (30) HEADQUARTERS: ......................................................................


    • Protesters are attacking CNN headquarters in Atlanta.
    • Twitter has an office in Dublin, not sure if it's their headquarters.
    • The headquarters of Facebook is in the Silicon Valley.)

    (31) FROM HELL: ......................................................................


    • a neighbour from hell
    • the client from hell)

    (32) CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: ......................................................................


    • Capital punishment actually increases murders.
    • Capital punishment should be abolished.)

    (33) INDIAN TRIBE: ......................................................................


    • The native Indian tribes are discriminated in Mexico.
    • Oneida is an Indian tribe.)

    (34) ENEMY INVASION: ......................................................................


    • We are on the eve of an enemy invasion.
    • to prevent an enemy invasion)

    (35) CEILING FAN: ......................................................................


    • Ceiling fans rotate in the counter clockwise direction.
    • The motor used in ceiling fans is available in two varieties: A.C and D.C Motor.)

    (36) CONSUMER PROTECTION: ......................................................................


    • The new Consumer Protection Act was passed by Parliament in 2019.
    • Most of the various states’ attorneys general have programs dealing with consumer protection.)

    (37) LIFE EXPECTANCY: ......................................................................


    • A cat in end stage renal failure has a life expectancy of about 3 months.
    • Liver transplant life expectancy is 5 years.)

    (38) FORCED: ......................................................................


    • They are facing forced eviction.
    • to make forced confessions)

    (39) SECRET FILES: ......................................................................


    • The Government of India has released the secret files of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
    • What are NASA's secret files about?)

    (40) MINORITY RIGHTS: ......................................................................


    • Minority rights are important.
    • What are the minority rights in USA?)

    (41) DOUBTLESS: ......................................................................


    • Trump doubtless doesn't know that there are rules.
    • "Baby" by Justin Bieber is doubtless the most hated song.)

    (42) IMMIGRANT: ......................................................................


    • What's it like to be an immigrant coming to Canada?
    • Some Americans hate immigrants.)

    (43) LEVEL OF INCOME: ......................................................................


    • Our level of income inequality is closer to developing countries.
    • Is there an ideal level of income inequality?)

    (44) CITIZENSHIP: ......................................................................


    • No country offers a quick citizenship.
    • Citizenship is a legal status defining the relationship between an individual and the state.
    • Citizenship is acquired by birth.
    • There exist thousands of people without citizenship.)

    (45) BY PERMISSION OF: ......................................................................


    • by permission of the C.E.O. 
    • by permission of Allah)

    (46) KNEECAP: ......................................................................


    • Kneecap is a flat, circular-triangular bone)


    (47) NATURAL JUDGE: ......................................................................


    • natural judge principle)


    (48) MAP: ......................................................................


    • Google map)


    (49) INTERVIEW: ......................................................................


    • The interview lasted longer than expected.)


    (50) GRAVE STONE: ......................................................................


    • I’m not planning on having a grave stone.)




    (1) EXCEPTIONAL: ......................................................................


    • They are exceptional at Mathematics.)


    (2) BALANCE SHEET: ......................................................................


    • This is the easiest way to understand a company’s balance sheet.)


    (3) FOR DECADES: ......................................................................


    • A normal car's engine can run for decades.)


    (4) JAPANESE ECONOMIC MIRACLE: ......................................................................


    • Japanese economic miracle refers to the significant increase in the Japanese economy during the time between the end of World War II and the end of the Cold War (1945–1991).


    (5) ARMCHAIR: ......................................................................


    • Furniture like arm chairs needs to be sat upon and felt and then purchased.)

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