25 Ocak 2022 Salı

Week 7: Conditionals


Android application:


New words:


1-The ball is right there.

2-I will be right there.

3-I will stop you right there.

4-It is right there in the platform.

5-The Koran is right there.

6-Americans was right there.

7-I was right there.

8-My podcaste is right there, please listen.

9-There is a mosque right there.

10-He was right there.

11- I was right there.

12-Stop right there.

13-He lost his I-phone right there.

14-How is life right there?

15- My uncle is right there.

16- Stay right there.

17- How is the weather right there?

18- How is everything right there?

19- How is life under Biden's presidency going right there?

20- The answer is right there.

1-That's our captain over there.

2- I would have died over there.

3- Look, over there.

4- There is a man over there.

5- What are they doing over there?

6- Why is Peter over there?

7- The festival held over there.

8- How is the stuation of coronavirus over there in Sweden?

9- There are people over there.

10- Is it worth to do job over there?

11- American troops fight over there in Afghanistan.

12- Why did the US go over there?

13- Is Lukashenko loved over there?

14- Is there a thing over there?

15- Want to sit over there?

16- It is really cold over there.

17- How is the training over there?

18- What are the must-visit places over there?

19- How well Chinese people speak Turkish, if I travel over there?

20- I am going to Argentina, how are customs over there?

1- My man is travelling out there.

2- Be careful out there.

3- Is there anyone out there?

4- What is the strangest star out there?

5- Is there too much music out there?

6- Are there any scientists out there?

7- Are there any intelligent beings out there?

8- The child is out there.

9- There are many surgeons out there.

10- Are there any female civil engineers out there?


Awake is irregular, but it can have a regular past tense form (awake - awaked/awoke - awaken).
Beat has the same base form and past tense, but the past participle is different (beat - beat - beaten).
Become has the same base form and past partiple, but the past tense is different (become - became - become).
Bid has two irregular forms in both the past tense and past participle (bid - bade/bid - bidden/bid).
Come (like 'become') has the same base form and past partiple, but the past tense is different (come - came - come).
Eat has two possible pronunciations in the past tense (eat - ate - eaten).
Forbid has two irregular forms only in the past tense (forbid - forbad/forbade - forbidden).
Hang is both a regular and irregular verb, but each form has a different meaning (I hung my coat in the hall. - They hanged him for murder.)
Lie is regular and irregular, but with a different meaning (I lied to my mum. - The book lay on the table.)
Read has only one form (read - read - read), but the base form has a different pronunciation.

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